“Martina is such a passionate and professional person, always creating exciting new ideas ! After knowing her for many years, it is still fantastic to see her sharing her inspiration with other people. She will achieve her goals in any field, no matter what she chooses to be her next challenge.
Sascha Kleinschmidt

Martina hat für uns die Castings für die ZDF Gartenprofis (Mallorcaspecial) durchgeführt. Ihre Interviews sind unterhaltsam, interessant & haben die richtige Länge. Ihre sympathisch freundliche Art macht das Arbeiten mit ihr sehr angenehm.”
Gunther Weber, Redseven entertainment

For several years now I have been working with Martina. From the beginning, our cooperation has been structured in a constructive, uncomplicated and sympathetic way. Martina brings always fresh ideas, is humorous and sympathetic and is committed to your topics with great commitment. Her lectures testify to a wealth of background knowledge, extraordinary ideas and insanely good research work.
I am looking forward to further cooperation!
Matthias Kürten (stv. Landesvorsitzender VBE NRW)

With her charming way Martina manages to wrap her listeners and interviewees in no time around the finger and creates a wonderfully relaxed and positive atmosphere, which combines them with interesting and profound conversations.

„Es ist sehr inspirierend mit Martina zu arbeiten. Sie hat eine wunderbar humorvolle und kreative Art und reißt einen mit ihrer Begeisterungsfähigkeit mit.”
Maren Elisabeth Lisner, Thai Yoga

Die Zusammenarbeit mit Martina ist immer professionell und inspirierend. Ihre Fähigkeit immer wieder unbekannte Türen zu öffnen und neue Begegnungen in ihren Bann zu ziehen um daraus produktive Synergien zu schaffen, sucht in der Branche ihresgleichen. Ihre Schwerpunkte wie Achtsamkeit & Nachhaltigkeit machen sie zu einer modernen zeitgemässen Regiesseurin/ Produzentin, der auch das internationale Plateau keinerlei Schwierigkeiten macht.
Janucz Reichenbach

“Martina Hirschmeier came onboard Yachting International Radio as a contributor for vlog interviews on YIR’s mult media platform. She brought with her a great amount of contacts, and an absolute professionalism in the way that she arranged, created and produced the vlogs. She is the perfect representative of YIR for all events that feature red carpets and higher end luxury items. We will be thrilled to have her continued contribution on all of our platforms for the years to come.”
Rhea Rouw (Owner Yachting International Radio)

We got to know each other on the boat during a joint presentation and immediately appreciated it. We had such an interested interviewee who presented our concept and was very convincingly and professionally. You share your audience with your positive charisma and take each viewer with your own enthusiasm.
Kerima Bougherara Kellermann

… Working with Martina, for me, means being surrounded by a happy person, being able to share curiosity with her, trying something new and feeling your trust that it will become something.
Gerald Schank

“Martina provokes, motivates and knows what she wants at any time. Working with her is challenging. And that’s exactly what you see later in the result. Martina is very empathic, very professional and above all focused. Above all, it was a lot of fun to shoot with Martina. “
Michael Schneider

“Working with Martina Hirschmeier has always been a great pleasure. She is highly professional, gets 100 percent and always makes for a fun and good atmosphere. “
Jane Cécike Filmer/Produzentin Merlantis and CEO for WIFT (Women in Film and Television)

Martina Hirschmeier moderated our annual event “Casting & Celebration” in 2018 in a confident, charming, sympathetic, professional way.
She accompanied with ease our guests, cooperation partners and artists through the whole evening! It is not without reason that she is at the top of her wish list for this year’s top event “Miss Europe Continental Germany 2019”.
It is an enrichment for every event.
Sabiullah Scherzai

We got to know each other on the boat during a joint presentation and immediately appreciated it. We rarely had such an interested interviewee who presented our concept and us correctly and very convincingly and professionally. You enthuse your audience with your positive charisma and take each viewer with your own enthusiasm.